Monday, June 2, 2014

Why Horror Movies are so Special

Horror movies are really, so special as it exudes ultimate technicality and awesome sound effect with effective visualization. As compare to other genre movies, horror movies effect is so special and bold. It evaluates the scenes with minute features.

I will focus today on that, why horror movies are so special with its exaggerated touch of terrible scenes. Do check some ideas, which set horror movies apart from other common movies.

The creation of night scenes at the time of day

There is a huge contribution of camera in creating the natural dark horror effect. However, when it comes to shoot for the indoor its simple to turn on the gain down on your camera so that it will not eludes much light after that you can decrease the effect of hard lighting to control the shadow for your darkened room. The camera can deliver a good effect of nighttime.

How to make sound attack

Sounds with the effect of fast attack which include doors slamming, ballons popping, and dogs barking and a sound producing slowly include wind whistling, boxes sliding down a ramp and also wolves howling. The sound in full swing can scare you more and loud sound can boost the effect. For the sound attack effect, filmmaker do have license for the usability foe free. +3-*/8

How to make fake blood look natural

Let us have your look on how to prepare fake wound with full of blood. It is easy to mix a cup of corn syrup, two tablespoon of cornstarch, with some coloring and thinning stuff.  There is also one more ways, take some powdered cocoa and chocolate syrup to make the color dark, and some fruit punch to make it thinner and brighter according to your wish.

By far, I have informed you some authentic substance, which really make horror movie so special and set the horror to other next level. This is great visual and lot of hard work result, which makes the audience leave their chair from the hall.

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